“Best Hyung”: Kevin Jonas Reacts To MOA’s Thread About Him

Many K-Pop fans had been part of other fandoms prior. For many, it was other music groups or boy bands specifically, such as One Direction, Big Time Rushor the Jonas Brothers.

One Direction
Big Time Rush
Jonas Brothers

So, the Jonas Brothers’ collaboration with the K-Pop group TXT is a full-circle moment. Since the single “Do It Like That,” produced by OneRepublic‘s Ryan Tedderwas announced, fans could not help but make jokes likening the JoBros to a K-Pop group.

In a lot of ways, the Jonas Brothers have been in their K-Pop era. They not only met up with TXT to record a MV and TikTok…

They even released their own concept photos, including a group photo and one of each brother. Not to mention it was styled the same as TXT’s.

Netizens felt like they were in an alternate timeline, seeing the Jonas concept pics. Yet, some were hopeful we might get photocards of our OG biases.

To add to the fun, a MOA (TXT fan) tweeted a prompt, encouraging others to tweet about the Jonas Brothers like they would tweet about TXT. At the time of writing, 1,679 MOAs quote-tweeted.

Let’s just say the results did not disappoint.

From OT3 live broadcasts to fictional Weverse posts…

…to voting and music shows…

The possibilities were endless, and MOAs went for it. Also, what we’ve gathered is that Joe Jonas is many people’s bias, but personally, we’re OT3.

What MOAs never expected was one of the brothers to respond to any of these posts, though.

Tami (@tvmisfrl on Twitter) shared a photo of Kevin Jonas hugging Joe. She captioned it, “kevin being the best hyung 🥺 – a thread.”

Some of us were genuinely curious to check out of the thread…

And this included Kevin himself. So, when he clicked the “thread,” only to realize it was fake, he wanted to know what was up.

Since Kevin himself responded, tami felt obligated to fulfill the promise…

So, the thread was created, and tami was not playing around, after all.

Finally, Kevin got the thread he deserved!

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