You will no longer miss channel updates on WhatsApp!

You will no longer miss channel updates on WhatsApp!

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The new feature will make it easier to save and quickly find important updates such as announcements or event details.

WhatsApp channel updates will be starred

WhatsAppcurrently only allows users to star messages in individual and group chats. With the new update, WhatsApp will offer the opportunity to do the same with channel updates. Once the user stars an update, they will be able to easily access it afterwards without having to scroll through the entire channel history.

To use this feature, users will first need to follow a channel. After following, users will be able to star updates they find important. If the user unfollows the channel, all starred updates from that channel will also be deleted from their list.

Star channel updates The feature is currently under development and is available in the latest beta version of WhatsApp. It will be available to more users in the near future.

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