was sold to Mediazone – Technology News was sold to Mediazone – Technology News

According to the statement made by the company, as a result of the signed agreement, all rights of were transferred to Mediazone. With this sale, will continue its journey in the media world under a new roof., established within Yemeksepeti in September, reaches millions of people every day by offering more than 30 thousand recipes and content to its users., which has won many awards at home and abroad, will now continue broadcasting under the umbrella of Mediazone. With joining the Mediazone family, which includes media, sports and entertainment organizations such as Mynet, Maçkolik, Onedio, TV Extra and Webtekno, the platform aims to grow further and reach new audiences. touches millions of people with educational and inspiring food content through its website, mobile application and social media accounts., which has 4.3 million followers on Instagram, 2 million followers on YouTube, 2.9 million followers on Facebook and 570 thousand followers on TikTok, also attracts attention with its social media power.