With “MEMS Neurostor”, charging time for phones will increase to 1 year

With “MEMS Neurostor”, charging time for phones will increase to 1 year

With “MEMS Neurostor”, charging time for phones will increase to 1 year

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Developed at METU’s ULTRAMEMS Research Laboratory “MEMS Neristor” technology increases energy efficiency in electronic devices, mobile phones charge to extend the term up to one year aims. The architects of the project are Prof. Dr. Barış Bayram and Research Assistant Berre Vize state that this revolutionary innovation will make a big difference both in the world of technology and in terms of environmental sustainability.

A technology inspired by the human brain

Developed inspired by the human brain’s ability to perform complex operations with low energy consumption. MEMS fiber optic, neuromorphic processor With its structure, it integrates memory and processing units into the same structure. Prof. Dr. Barış Bayram said, “The human brain consumes approximately 25 watts of energy, and if we were to perform the operations of the human brain with the most up-to-date processor, this would be equal to 25 megawatts, meaning it would consume more energy.” he said.

Stating that the most important point that ensures energy efficiency in the brain is the integration of the memory and processor unit, Bayram noted that computers have memory modules that hold information and processor structures that process information. Prof. Dr. Bayram continued as follows:

“Therefore, in computers, information constantly comes from the memory module to the processor, is processed here and goes back to the module. Since there is a constant information transfer, this both increases energy consumption and creates a delay. In the neuromorphic processor we developed here, Memory module and processor in the same structure. Therefore, it can perform current operations with less energy. For example, we need to charge our mobile phones every day, but if we transistors (system that controls the flow of current), If MEMS are replaced with neuristors In that case our mobile phone for 1 year we won’t have to charge at all.”

With “MEMS Neurostor”, charging time for phones will increase to 1 year

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Prof. Dr. According to Bayram, thanks to MEMS neuristors, energy consumption in smartphones will be reduced to a minimum, and operations that cannot currently be performed on the device will be able to be performed locally. For example, intensive artificial intelligence operations and calculations are now performed in cloud systems and transferred to the device. The main reason for this is that the processing capacity is not sufficient and even if the capacity is sufficient, the process consumes too much energy. In addition, Bayram will ensure that devices transfer less data to cloud systems and will also ensure greater protection of personal data.

In addition, the energy needs of high energy-consuming artificial intelligence systems and server centers are expected to decrease significantly. Research Assistant Berre Vize stated that this technology will accelerate and make more efficient artificial intelligence applications in many sectors, especially health and finance.

Meetings will be held with technology giants

With “MEMS Neurostor”, charging time for phones will increase to 1 year

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Prof. Dr. Bayram stated that the “MEMS neurostor” invention would be a revolution not only in Turkey but also around the world, and that they would contact companies working in the field of global neuromorphic processors on this subject.

Prof. Dr. Barış Bayram, Analog Devices especially HP, IBM, NVIDIA, Amazon ve Google We will hold these meetings with. But this is a starting point, we can say that it is the first seed. Because this The first MEMS neuristor in the world. “There are neuristors, but they use complex materials and cannot be used at an industrial level for long-term use.” he said.


