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Vodafone is ready for 5G tender
Vodafone Türkiye CEO Engin AksoyMinister Uraloğlu’s 5G evaluated his statements. Aksoy emphasized that there has not been an official invitation to the 5G tender yet and said:
“The official invitation has not arrived yet. We are ready for the tender. The esteemed minister announced that a tender will be held in 2025 and 5G will be implemented in 2026. If we consider 2026, Vodafone is developing an important technology. The technology we are preparing to launch; 5G Advanced. This actually means 5.5G. So, we are actually ready for 5.5G, not 5.”
Vodafone CEO’s Aksoy in more than 130 countries around the world He stated that 5G was used. He stated that Vodafone Group is experienced in 5G.
Underlining that the tender price should be kept low, Aksoy said, “The conditions of the 5G tender should be designed to encourage investment. The latest trend in the world in tenders is to keep the tender price low and encourage investment. Every operator in Turkey gave 16 of the 100 TL it earned as the tender price. This is around 5 percent in Europe, even 1.5 percent in Finland. We also have a 15 percent Treasury share. Apart from this, there must be a resource left for investing in operators. “If a base station could be built with the money given to the tender, for example, if there are 100 base stations today, 250 base stations could be built.” he said.
The current fiber infrastructure is like a highway with no connection.
Aksoy emphasized the inadequacy of fiber infrastructure in Turkey. He stated that the fiber network has increased, but it has not reached households. He compared the fiber infrastructure in Turkey to highways with no entrances or exits. Aksoy used the following statements:
“It is our dream to bring fiber internet to all households in Turkey. There are several reasons why this is progressing slowly. The first is a structural problem. Only one company can make fiber. Therefore, the capacity of a company is also clear. It is said that fiber reaches 50 percent of households. There are 26 million households in Turkey but 40 million living units. Summer houses, second homes, workplaces, shops… Fiber can reach one third of them. The important thing is to deliver fiber to buildings. Think of it this way, there is a highway but it has no connections or exits. We need to increase our fiber network by 15-16 percent every year. Its contribution to GDP is 2.2 billion dollars. The second important problem is that the same company builds both the infrastructure and is my rival in the superstructure. Therefore, there is no competition.”
The concession granted to Türk Telekom ends in 2026
Vodafone Türkiye CEO Engin Aksoy, to encourage competition in fiber internet three suggestions shared. He also reminded that the concession granted to Türk Telekom will expire in 2026. Aksoy’s statement on the subject is as follows:
“We have three suggestions for smooth competition. First, if this place belongs to the state, let’s become partners, enter this company as investors, and bring fiber to all households in the country. If the state says, I don’t want the partnership. Our second suggestion is to have a single company that is at equal distance to all of us. I find this difficult in practice. Because a serious investment capital will be required. Thirdly, if the state says ‘I will not do it myself, I do not want the operators to become partners and do it’, it can bring in investors from outside. It is currently a very trending topic for large funds in the world. The concession ends in 2026. “Let me have a 20-year privilege. Let me build both the infrastructure and sell the superstructure. “There is no example of such a thing in the world.” The end of the concession period is an opportunity to make reforms. In terms of competition, think of it this way: Prices before number porting dropped when number porting came out. “We were the ones who wanted this the most.”
“The operator with the highest localization rate is Vodafone”
Stating that Vodafone is the operator with the highest localization rate, Aksoy said, “We are the operator with the highest locality rate in Turkey. Our locality rate has exceeded 45 percent and we are going to 50 percent. We make positive discrimination regarding locality. We have a Locality Committee within the company. “We prioritize sustainable domestic products and services that can work harmoniously in our network.” he said.
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