See Full Size NASAcontinues its preparations with excitement for returning to the Moon. However, this time the goal is not just short-term exploration; to ensure the permanent existence of humanity on the Moon. South Pole of the Moon (Lunar South Pole – LSP), a critical region chosen for this purpose. This region offers a combination of continuous communication with the Earth, access to solar energy and access to water ice. However, this region presents unprecedented challenges for astronauts.
Vision is a serious challenge
See Full Size The Moon’s South Pole is a region where the Sun is constantly close to the horizon. The maximum elevation angle of the sun can reach up to 7 degrees. This happened in the Apollo missions or past manned space missions. an unusually bright environment means. Both extreme brightness and deep shadows can seriously affect astronauts’ eyesight. Despite the high dynamic range of the human eye, its ability to quickly switch between bright light and dark is limited. This ranges from simple walking movements to complex equipment management. danger for many tasks It creates.
On past NASA missions, lighting and visual support systems were generally lower priority design elements. But the Artemis program requires completely changing this approach. Due to the extreme light and shadow conditions at the south pole, spacesuits, helmet visors and artificial lighting systems must be designed to be compatible with each other. The aim is to enable astronauts’ eyes to adapt to bright light when looking at dark shadows and vice versa to preserve their vision.
The solution may be in simulations
See Full Size NASA has developed a variety of tools to simulate the harsh environment at the Moon’s south pole. physical and virtual simulation plans to develop techniques. These simulations are critical for detecting threats that astronauts may encounter in both simple tasks (e.g., walking or collecting samples) and complex operations (e.g., vehicle maintenance and equipment use).
In particular, it is aimed to create realistic environments to evaluate the blinding effects of bright sunlight and to test the performance of helmet protectors with artificial lighting. This process will not only validate technical solutions but also play an important role in crew training. NASA is currently competing with China to land humans on the Moon with the Artemis mission. The USA aims to land humans on the Moon with Artemis 3 in 2027, while China aims to land humans on the Moon in 2030.
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