Turkish Informatics Association launches “Journey to the Digital Future”

Turkish Informatics Association launches “Journey to the Digital Future”

TBD Chairman Rahmi Aktepe gave information about the 41st National Informatics Congress.

Aktepe said that the congress will be held with the participation of 2,500 people, including managers and employees of the public and private sectors, industrialists and business people, academics, entrepreneurs, students and those who use technology extensively.

Emphasizing that Turkey’s priority for sustainable development goals should be informatics, Aktepe stated that the journey to the digital future should be started.

Aktepe pointed out that we are living in a period where innovative technologies deeply affect all industries, professions and development, and said:

“Countries that use technology effectively stand out in global competition and accelerate their development processes. In the coming years, innovative fields such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, humanoid robots and energy technologies will have great impacts on economic growth, workforce dynamics and social welfare. Turkey’s “It is imperative to take determined steps on the innovative path, providing competitive advantage and supporting sustainable development. Shaping the future is in our hands. Every step we take is a seed taken to build a brighter tomorrow.”


Aktepe stated that young informatics professionals will also hold the 14th TBD Young Informatics Congress at the congress that will bring together informatics professionals from all over the world at BTK.

At the congress that will continue tomorrow and Friday, TBD/TÜBİSAD Lifetime Service Awards, Informatics Service Awards and Science Fiction Awards will find their owners.

At the congress, “Future Directing Policies and Strategies”, “Communication Infrastructures of the Future”, “Smart and Green Technologies and Applications”, “New Generation Cyber ​​Security Technologies”, “Barrier-Free Informatics”, “Techno Entrepreneurship Ecosystem”, “Qualified Human Resources” “Women in Technology” sessions will be held.