This cargo vessel stores the CO2 it has removed from its exhaust on the deck

This cargo vessel stores the CO2 it has removed from its exhaust on the deck

This cargo vessel stores the CO2 it has removed from its exhaust on the deck

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Thousands every year Cargo Ship and Tanker It carries goods among countries in international waters. The vast majority of these ships release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with combustion engines operating with fossil fuels. These ships are globally about carbon dioxide emissions. %3they are responsible for.

Lower emissions zero emission fuels ve Battery ships is investigated as an option. In addition, studies are being carried out to reduce the emissions of existing ships. In this context, Clipper Eris Carbon emissions were reduced by adding an innovative system to the tanker.

This cargo vessel stores the CO2 it has removed from its exhaust on the deck

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Norwegian shipping company in 2011 Solvanghas launched a program to make ships more energy efficient and reduce harmful emissions caused by exhaust. Various measures such as gas cycle modules, open cycle washer, mechanical and systematic improvements have been implemented.

The company also one Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) System developed and with washing manufacturer Wärtsilä in 2021 1,2 MW‘began to run a system. Now technology, Wärtsilä, Man Energy Solutions and Research Institute for a pilot project carried out jointly with SINTEF Ethylene carrier was founded in Clipper Eris.

This cargo vessel stores the CO2 it has removed from its exhaust on the deck

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70 %of CO2 from exhaust is caught

CCS system 7 MW CO2 in the exhaust gas out of the main motor in its power %70’ini is expected to win back. Technology will work with existing washing and exhaust gas cleaning systems and the resulting CO2 will be stored in tanks on the deck after cooling until it becomes liquefied.

Equipped with the CCS system, Clipper Eris is expected to leave Singapore for a two -year test mission in early February. Solvank, if the pilot project is successful, made ready for the installation of onboard CCS technology 7 new ship He says it will be built.

Solvank Fleet Manager Tor-Øyvind Ask is that CCS technology can be installed in a short time and if there is enough green energy that the captured carbon dioxide can be converted into e-yakit indicates. Also carbon dioxide In food processing industry and carbonated beverages It is also stated that it is possible to use it.
