The world’s first uninterrupted renewable energy project was introduced

The world’s first uninterrupted renewable energy project was introduced

The world's first uninterrupted renewable energy project was introduced

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The United Arab Emirates announced a massive project combining solar power generation and energy storage during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW). world’s first Renewable energy around the clock Giant-scale project consisting of a combination of solar energy and battery storage that can produce 1 gigawatt per day (GW) will achieve significant success in the energy sector by providing uninterrupted renewable energy.

5.2GW solar and 19GWh energy storage capacity

In the project, 5.2 gigawatts (GW) power sun energy with power plant 19 gigawatt-hours (GWh) bir battery storage system (BESS) will be integrated. The project, which will be managed by Masdar and EWEC, aims to ensure the continuity of renewable energy with innovative technologies.

The world's first uninterrupted renewable energy project was introduced

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EWEC CEO Othman Al Ali said about the project: “With the world’s largest solar and battery storage system, Abu Dhabi is setting a new global standard in sustainable energy development and innovation. “This facility, which is the backbone of the country’s clean energy transformation, will ensure that energy needs are met in a sustainable and reliable manner by powering critical industries such as artificial intelligence and advanced technologies.” he said.

The project draws attention with its advanced technology battery storage systems designed to overcome the inherent intermittency of solar energy. This 19GWh storage system will be used to ensure uninterrupted integration of solar energy into the grid. Batteries CATL It will be supplied by TENER technology. Solar panels are Jinko Solar ve JA Solar will be provided by. On the other hand, no information was given about how much the project would cost and when it would be put into operation. Companies also underline that 10 thousand new jobs will be created with this giant project.
