The purpose of this nuclear reactor is to produce heat, not electricity

The purpose of this nuclear reactor is to produce heat, not electricity

The purpose of this nuclear reactor is to produce heat, not electricity

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A startup based in Finland, commercial nuclear announced that it had developed the simplest version of the reactors. produce only heat Designed for this purpose, these innovative reactors aim to provide an environmentally friendly and cost-competitive solution. The company states that these reactors can be installed underground to heat cities.

Does not produce electricity, focuses on heat

LDR-50This reactor, called ” 50 MW offers thermal output and maximum 150°C operating at temperature. Unlike the energy-intensive pumps used to cool the much higher temperatures of traditional nuclear power plants, the LDR-50 can be cooled by natural circulation. This both saves energy and reduces operating costs.

The purpose of this nuclear reactor is to produce heat, not electricity

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The startup Steady Energy, which built the reactor, said heating water to 150°C for various purposes alone accounts for 10 percent of global emissions. The LDR-50 aims to solve this problem by providing a more environmentally friendly way to heat water.

Reactor, Central heating systems of cities, industrial processes and even sea water treatment plants It can be used in different areas such as. complex energy required for electricity generation. no need for steam turbines and generators This system has the potential to significantly reduce construction costs and times. The reactor, which stands out with its compact design in the size of a cargo container, can be installed underground to increase security and protect valuable areas in cities.

The company’s target is 2029

Steady Energyspun off from the VTT research center in Finland last year to become an independent venture. The company has already signed an agreement for 15 LDR-50 reactors in Finland. Belgian engineering company Tractebel also provides technical support for the design and safety assessment of the reactor.

On the other hand, although there is no detailed explanation about the type of nuclear fuel, this type small modular reactors (SMR) is known to generally use low-enriched uranium. The company is working to develop a “serious accident management program” in line with national and international regulations. However, Finland’s nuclear inspection authority is conducting the evaluation process of LDR-50. Steady Energy aims to begin construction of its first reactor heating plant by 2029. If the plans are successfully implemented, this innovative nuclear technology could heat Finland’s neighborhoods and breathe new life into the global energy system within a few years.