The problem of air conditioners’ load on the network is solved by storing ice

The problem of air conditioners’ load on the network is solved by storing ice

By admin, Aralık 1, 2024

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As the world gets warmer to air conditioners More and more loads are falling, and more and more residential and commercial areas are switching to air conditioning every day. In this case, the grid is connected to the grid during the hours when the sun is at its highest. overload is riding.

Establishing a grid and transferring electricity smoothly is as complex and expensive as producing electricity. Bringing high voltage lines to the city, then converting them to low voltage in transformers and transferring them to everywhere with an underground cable network at a certain voltage requires serious infrastructure work.

The problem of air conditioners' load on the network is solved by storing ice

The Southern California Edison power grid saves energy by covering the energy consumed by air conditioners from ice. It uses electricity to freeze ice when demand is lower and costs are lower. Then, when electricity demand is higher and more costly, the cooling need is met with ice. VPP (Virtual Power Plant) project 25,6 MW reached power and so far 45 GWs stored and used electrical energy.

In this way, an ice storage system was established in the city where there is direct consumption, instead of reinforcing it with new lines and transformers. So far, the grid and the manufacturer have installed energy ice storage systems on more than 100 buildings, free of charge. While managing the grid energy management as desired, it provides the benefit of reducing electricity bills by up to 20% in commercial buildings.

Something similar could be done with lithium ion batteries, but what’s the need when you can do it with just ice and a metal box to hold it? After all, here you convert electrical energy into another type of energy, thermal energy, at night and then use it directly. Moreover, the life of the system is not short like lithium batteries. It is stated that the estimated lifespan is approximately 20 years.

The problem of air conditioners' load on the network is solved by storing ice

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Night between 23.00 and 05.00 Thermal battery charged in 6 hours 15.00 to 20.00 during the day It is charged within 5 hours. According to the International Energy Agency’s prediction, in 2050, air conditioners will account for one-third of the electricity consumption, which will bring the most extra burden to the grid, and if not managed correctly, will lead to power outages around the world.

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