See in full size Netflix Series, which achieved great success with its first season on the screen in 2023 The Night Agentlast week came back with the second season. Adapted from the novel of the same name of Matthew Quirk, the action series was met with interest by the audience in the 2nd season. Season 2, 13.9 million in the first week reached watch. Although this number is below the first week’s performance of the first season, it was enough to bring The Night Agent to the summit again at Netflix. This week, the first series of Netflix series is expected to stay here for a few more weeks.
The Night Agent focuses on the young FBI agent Peter Sutherland, waiting at the beginning of a phone in the White House’s basement. Normally, this phone, which never steals, suddenly steals one night, Peter finds itself in the middle of a big conspiracy. The young agent needs to find it before the top of the state is too late.
The first season of the series ranks seventh among the most watched English series of Netflix.
Back in action can be among the 10 most watched films of Netflix to date.
See in full size On the film side, the production that came to the fore in Netflix this week Back in Action was. Famous player Cameron DiazBack in Action, the first film in which he starred years later, maintained its first place in the second week. Diaz’s leading roles Jamie Foxx The film, which he shared with, reached 46.8 million watched in the second week. Like this The total number of views of the film exceeded 93 million.
At this point, back in action Netflix will be one of the 10 most watched films so far. it looks. Because the film gets 43 million views in the next 80 days.
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