A leaker named Majin Bu from the X platform shared a photo of the back panel that he claimed belonged to the iPhone 17. It is not known which iPhone model the panel, which appears to have a single camera hole, belongs to. However, based on previous information, the panel is said to have a single camera. iPhone 17 AirIt is possible that it belongs to .
It is difficult to say for now that the resulting photo definitely reflects the design of the iPhone 17. However, we can say that it is compatible with the designs in previous iPhone 17 leaks.
The Air model, which will be added to the iPhone 17 series this year, will be available to users with both a slim and different design approach. Pro In the models the old design will be preserved It is claimed. Therefore, iPhone 17 Air will play an important role in seeing what effect Apple’s new design approach will have on customers.
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This is just the beginning, a total of 500 units are planned to be produced. For domestic and export purposes.