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There are 22 degrees of freedom
Your new hand is much more realistic and has tendons just like a human hand. Tesla, 22 degrees of freedom in the hand and 3 degrees of freedom in the wrist and forearm states that it is. However, we should point out that the robot in the demo video does not work autonomously, it is controlled remotely. Still, the robot’s ability to catch the ball and its hand gestures look impressive, as they are very similar to humans.
Milan Kovac, head of the Optimus program, explains what will be achieved for the robot in the short term: “There is some work to be finished by the end of the year. We are specifically working on expanded tactile sensing integration (much more surface coverage on the previous hand), much finer controls via tendons, and some weight reduction from the forearm. This has increased weight as all the actuators have been moved to the forearm “Achieving sufficient softness/flexibility on the fingers and palm without affecting tactile perception too much and at the same time adding a protective layer is a big challenge.”
While Tesla continues to develop the program He says he uses some Optimus robots in his factory. IThere is no doubt that, when the new skills gained by humanoid robots are combined with the development of artificial intelligence, we will see them used much more frequently in factories in the future.
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