Most organizations have more than one Telegram account, the messaging app now allows previously verified organizations to do their own verification for additional accounts they use. Telegram allows official third parties to assign verification tokens to users and chats prevent scams and reduce misinformation aims.
This is separate from the verification process Telegram implements for famous people and organizations. Instead of showing a blue checkmark, accounts and chats verified by third-party services will have a unique icon to the left of their name. When you tap on these profiles, you will be able to see which service verified the profile and why.
Telegram only supports services that have an official bot verified by Telegram. third party verification He says he can join.
In the first update of 2025, Telegram added many new features such as collectible gifts that can be transferred or resent to other users without verification by third parties, sending reactions to in-chat events, filters for message search, and an in-app QR code scanner.
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