Warning for applications requesting personal data

Warning for applications requesting personal data

According to a statement from the company, Kaspersky approached the “28 January Data Privacy Day”, while informing the risks of privacy ignored during the use of popular and daily applications. With the rise of artificial intelligence -oriented data tracking and estimated analytics, the risks associated with such practices have become more important than ever. In … Read more

Artificial intelligence warning from China: It may turn into Pandora’s box

Artificial intelligence warning from China: It may turn into Pandora’s box

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Ding made evaluations about technological innovation and artificial intelligence at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting held in Davos, Switzerland. Pointing out that technologies such as artificial intelligence create revolutionary results, Ding said, “Artificial intelligence, like Ali Baba’s cave, promises great hope for humanity, but if it is not managed … Read more

The warning from 1863 was brought to the agenda with the explosion of artificial intelligence

The warning from 1863 was brought to the agenda with the explosion of artificial intelligence

See Full Size Although the idea that the rise of intelligent machines could cause an existential crisis for humanity was established in the collective consciousness with James Cameron’s Terminator films, this danger was actually known years, even centuries ago. Since the day the … Read more

NFC warning from cyber security giant Kaspersky

NFC warning from cyber security giant Kaspersky

According to the statement made by the cyber security company, smartphones rely on NFC technology for smart and fast connections. NFC tags are widely used in marketing campaigns, public transportation systems and smart home installations to enable fast, contactless interaction. However, this convenience makes it vulnerable to tampering by malicious actors. Cyber ​​attackers, who can … Read more

Geo-Blocking warning from EU to Apple: New regulations are on the way

Geo-Blocking warning from EU to Apple: New regulations are on the way

The European Commission said it had identified potentially prohibited geo-blocking practices in some Apple Media Services and could be sanctioned by national regulators if Apple does not address these concerns. European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said in her statement: “We are accelerating the fight against geo-blocking. No company, large or small, should unfairly discriminate against customers … Read more