24 percent of children in Turkey play computer games that are not appropriate for their age

24 percent of children in Turkey play computer games that are not appropriate for their age

Recently, discussions about social media and children’s games have intensified. Governments tend to ban some apps and games in order to prevent potential abuses in these areas. Children playing games that are not appropriate for their age is at the center of these discussions, increasing parents’ concerns and necessitating new measures to ensure the safety … Read more

Iran announced that the access permission given to WhatsApp and Google Play is subject to some conditions

Iran announced that the access permission given to WhatsApp and Google Play is subject to some conditions

According to Sharghdaily news site, Moral provided information about the gradual lifting of the social media ban imposed in the country. Stating that 10 conditions were determined by the Supreme Council of Social Media for unblocking, Ahlaki stated that one of these conditions is that the relevant units in Iran can access the shares of … Read more