2.6 billion TL competition fine to Google

2.6 billion TL competition fine to Google

Google Advertising and Marketing Ltd. by the Competition Board. Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc., to determine whether Article 6 of the Law on the Protection of Competition No. 4054 has been violated in online display advertising and online advertising technology services. The investigation initiated against him has been … Read more

Google introduced its new artificial intelligence model Gemini 2.0

Google introduced its new artificial intelligence model Gemini 2.0

Google introduced Gemini 2.0, its most advanced artificial intelligence model to date. According to the statement made by Google, Gemini 2.0 has features such as interpreting images, producing sound and engaging in multi-modal interactions and includes significant updates compared to 1.0, which was released at the same time last year. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google … Read more

Google introduced its new ‘Willow’ quantum processor

Google introduced its new ‘Willow’ quantum processor

Google introduced its new quantum processor ‘Willow’, which solves a problem that would take billions of years for the fastest supercomputers in the world in just five minutes. This processor represents a significant step forward in a field that aims to create a brand new, incredibly powerful type of computer using the fundamental principles of … Read more

Google made a defense to the Competition Board

Google made a defense to the Competition Board

Google Advertising and Marketing Ltd. The oral defense meeting regarding the investigation into the economic integrity of Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc. was held at the Competition Authority under the chairmanship of Competition Board Chairman Birol Küle. Küle reminded that the investigation was opened upon the allegation that … Read more