TikTok is officially blocked in the USA! Users encountered a message with Trump

TikTok is officially blocked in the USA! Users encountered a message with Trump

TikTok, which caused controversy in the American public for a long time, was blocked from access in the USA hours before the ban that will officially start on January 19. TRUMP’S MESSAGE TO USERS Users who want to log in to TikTok, which has more than 170 million users in the USA, say, “Sorry, TikTok … Read more

The chat application has been blocked! – Tango has been disabled

The chat application has been blocked! – Tango has been disabled

While the impact of social media on society has been a matter of debate all over the world lately, there is also a serious follow-up in Turkey regarding the effects of social media applications and some online games on young people. Mobile applications such as Roblox, Discord, TikTok and Instagram faced some restrictions both in … Read more

Seagull decision from the upper court! Access blocked

Seagull decision from the upper court! Access blocked

We encounter different applications on shared travel in the world and in Turkey. Martı has been in a conflict of interest with taxi drivers for a long time with the TAG application it launched as one of the leading organizations in this regard. Finally, it was announced that this conflict, which was taken to court, … Read more