Statement came from the Ministry! Did Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook crash?

Statement came from the Ministry! Did Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook crash?

By admin, Aralık 11, 2024

Statement came from the Ministry! Did Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook crash?

Some users on social media cannot receive home page updates on Instagram and Facebook. On the other hand, messages are sent late on WhatsApp. A statement is expected from Meta regarding the issue. It is claimed that there is a global access problem in meta applications Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook.

It was not possible to access WhatsApp, which was not working at around 20:50 GMT, from the application or the web for 15 minutes.

Access to WhatsApp was lost for a short time. While the access problem was felt around the world, users in Turkey could not log into their WhatsApp accounts even for a short time. The access problem started to improve as of 21:02.

Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Ömer Fatih Sayan said, “It has been reported by our National Cyber ​​Incident Response Center, TRCert, that there is a global service outage in WhatsApp services. Our teams are following the process.” he said.


On Instagram, some users cannot access the home page. The warning “Sorry, something went wrong” appeared on the screen.

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