Social media may come for under the age of 16: arrangement is on the road

Social media may come for under the age of 16: arrangement is on the road


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Transport Minister Abdulkadir Uraloglu, made statements about the social media regulation. Young people under 16 years of age do not use social media Uraloglu clearly said, said that the work on this issue continues. He also said that Roblox and Discord, which has been prevented from access for a long time, can be opened.

Minister of Transport and Infrastructure: We want our young people under 16 years of age not to enter social media

Abdulkadir Uraloglu, CNN Turk live broadcast for a while discussing the social media to bring important statements about the introduction of age limit.

Minister Uraloglu, young people and children under the age of 16 to restrict the access to social media, he said. “The most risky and the group children we need to show most attention. Not only children and young people, but also for our society, social media is often used. There are many applications in the world. The issue is that our children really can make their own decisions objectively. This age is discussed as 13 and 16 in the world. We want our children under 16 years of age not to enter social media. We have a work to make an arrangement in 2025. ” He made a statement.

Age limit will also be applied to game platforms

Minister Uraloğlu said that not only social media platforms, but also game platforms such as Roblox will be subject to organizing.

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