Göktaş made evaluations about the social media arrangement for young people under the age of 16 and said that the legislation studies are about to be completed.
Underlining that they will not prohibit children from entering the internet with the social media arrangement, Göktaş said, “Our intention, as our President stated, to protect our children from the harmful content of social media,” he said.
Minister Göktaş stated that today, young people and children are facing digital dependence, “It is an important part of our Family Action Plan to combat digital dependence. We have been working for a year in this direction. We have been working for a year. We are discussing the platform representatives and we have created a special team within the world. “
Regarding how to determine the age limit in the social media regulation, Göktaş said, “We are working on a gradual arrangement at the age limit point. he said.
Serious obligations will be imposed on social media platforms
Minister Göktaş stated that he was carried out under two headings for social media platforms within the scope of the regulation and continued: “We are planning to make social media platforms in the most accurate way during the opening of children under the age of 16 and provide maximum control according to the current technology. As for families, we are considering to impose obligations to the platforms to develop more than one and various parental control tools for their children to control the time they spend in these channels and to impose sanctions when they act in contradiction with these obligations. “
‘Digital Parenting’ Responsibility
Minister Göktaş stated that parents also have important tasks in the protection of children against digital threats and underlined that the legal regulation cannot be effective without the active responsibility of parents. Göktaş, “Now parents ‘digital parenting’ in a new responsibility in the field of responsibility to protect their children against the risks of the digital world has to have the capacity. We plan to give them the necessary training to support them,” he said.
“We are planning to implement the social media arrangement”
Minister Göktaş said that they will come together again with the representatives of social media platforms in the near future. Göktaş, “We have expressed our sensitivities before, we will convey our evaluations in these topics again. This year, we continue to work in cooperation with the relevant institutions, we plan to implement the social media arrangement with the support of our deputies,” he said.