Snapdragon X sales figures have been announced

Snapdragon X sales figures have been announced

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The Qualcomm Snapdragon

Snapdragon X is in its infancy

Qualcomm, which wants to be more assertive than before in the laptop market by taking the productive artificial intelligence trend behind it, Snapdragon X Elite ve Snapdragon X Plus It launched its chips in the past months. It was stated that Snapdragon This means 8 per thousand of the total market.

Sources do not see the rise of Snapdragon X chips as sufficient. The fact that Intel and AMD processors do not give up their dominance on the Windows side and that Nvidia-MediaTek product ARM chips will be released next year makes the future a bit blurry for Qualcomm.

On the other hand, Snapdragon X Elite and Snapdragon X Plus chips do not yet appeal to the sub-$850 market. This means that a very large audience is turning to other alternatives. It will be possible for Qualcomm to increase its market share even more with the trimmed Snapdragon X chip that will be released in the new year.

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