Scientists know where to look for life on Mars

Scientists know where to look for life on Mars

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life on mars Whether it exists or not has been one of the greatest curiosity of scientists for years. Discoveries made on the surface of the Red Planet have also made this question even more interesting. But researchers now know where to look; a wide Deep into the plains of Mars.

Especially on Mars discovery of methane gasstarted a huge debate in the scientific world. While seasonal changes in methane gas have been observed on the surface, orbiting satellite data found no significant traces of the molecule. To explain this situation, some scientists suggested that there may be traces of a certain life form on Mars.

On the other hand, the general environment of Mars does not seem very suitable for hosting life. Surface temperatures are often well below freezing, the atmosphere is almost non-existent, and the planet is constantly bombarded with the lethal impact of cosmic and solar rays. So even though ancient Mars may have once had oceans and warmer climates, we’re unlikely to find any life on or near the surface of Mars now.

Scientists know where to look for life on Mars

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However, scientists point out that life forms on Earth can exist in every corner of our planet, from the deepest underground layers to the upper layers of the atmosphere. on earth methane-producing microorganismsIt offers a very important clue, especially for scientists investigating the possibility of life on Mars. Methanogens Known as microorganisms, these microorganisms “eat” hydrogen and produce it as waste. They produce methane gas. The regular observation of methane gas on Mars is a finding that suggests that such life forms could survive on Mars.

In a recently published study, researchers looked for methane-producing microorganisms in Mars-like environments on Earth. In the study, investigating the possibility of finding life under Mars-like conditions, scientists examined three main habitat types on Earth: microscopic cracks in the Earth’s deep crust, freshwater lakes beneath glaciers or polar ice sheets, and oxygen-free, high-saline deep-sea trenches. It is thought that under these conditions, methane-producing microorganisms can survive.

Found where life might be on Mars

Scientists know where to look for life on Mars

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After examining the temperature ranges, salinity levels and pH values ​​in these environments, the researchers revealed the characteristics of organisms that could harbor life under similar conditions on Mars. In addition, data on where the conditions on Mars where methane-producing microorganisms can best thrive were also examined. It stands out that the glaciers on Mars (which are carbon dioxide glaciers) and the seasonal water traces on the crater slopes offer potential areas to feed these life forms.

scientists, Acidalia Plainia identified the region as the most promising place for the search for life on Mars. This region is in the northern hemisphere of Mars It is known as a wide plain and there are some traces of liquid water here. However, liquid water At depths of 4.3 to 8.8 kilometers It is stated that it may be possible. Research shows that the temperature, salinity, pH and hydrogen availability in this region are closest to the conditions under which methane-producing microorganisms thrive on Earth.
