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Voice transmission will be done through uwb instead of Bluetooth
According to a patent application to the US Patent and Trademark Office, the South Korean Technology Giant, in future Galaxy Buds models, instead of Bluetooth Ultra Geniş Bant (UWB) is preparing to use technology. The first connection will be established again via Bluetooth that the sound transfer will be carried out with UWB stated.
This change can solve Bluetooth’s long -term delay and bandwidth limitations. According to Samsung’s patent statements, UWB technology, lower delay Duration, Minimum parazitmore high data transfer speed (Up to 20MBPS) and will provide lower power consumption.
Due to Bluetooth’s current bandwidth restrictions lossless audio transfer It will be possible with UWB. Samsung’s bringing this to future Galaxy Buds models can significantly increase sales. To take advantage of Samsung’s patent, the welding device (telephone, computer or tablet) Having UWB Hardware It should also be stated. However, Samsung, Google and Apple’s premium phones have UWB hardware.
While Samsung aims to launch a new era with UWB, while Qualcomm plans to transfer sound via Wi-Fi with XPan-supported headphones. Therefore, we will see that quality has increased significantly in the wireless sound experience in the near future.
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