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Ad Astra Rocket CompanyVariable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket –VASIMR) has been working on the system called ) for a long time. However, since this type of electric propulsion system requires a lot of energy, the company aims to develop the system with a “nuclear reactor” to solve this problem. In this context, Ad Astra is designed for use in space missions. 1 kW one in the power nuclear reactor which is Kilopowerwho developed Space Nuclear Power Corporation Established a strategic partnership with (SpaceNukes).
VASIMR and Kilopower: The new duo of space
Current electric propulsion systems are generally solar panels or radioisotope thermoelectric generators It provides energy with (RTG). However, these sources are not suitable for systems with high energy requirements such as VASIMR. not enough. More than 100 kilowatts of electrical power is required to achieve maximum thrust and efficiency in VASIMR.
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Is it a dream to reach Mars within months?
The combination of VASIMR and Kilopower could revolutionize space exploration. This technology will increase the duration of round-trip missions to Mars. from a year to a few months It may drop. It could also enable more and more detailed missions to exciting moons in the outer Solar System, such as Enceladus and Titan.
Ad Astra and SpaceNukes have not provided a concrete timeline for making their technologies commercially available. However, companies An orbital test in the late 2020s It aims to make and commercialize the technology in the 2030s.
Considering that both companies have made patient and determined progress, this goal can be said to be realistic. However, there is still a long way to go before these technologies can be fully tested and used in space. Therefore, traveling to Mars in a short time is no longer a dream, it is only a matter of time.
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