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This battery, which has demonstrated superior performance in uninterrupted tests conducted for six years, aims to extend the life of electric vehicles and reduce their environmental impact. US electric vehicle batteries 8 years after use 80 percent capacity The regulation that requires protection can be easily met with this new technology.
More importantly, researchers believe such durable batteries could last beyond the life of the vehicle. At the end of their useful life, batteries can be reused for energy storage in wind and solar power plants.
Single crystal electrode technology
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Researchers say that thanks to lithium-ion technology that will last 8 million kilometers, batteries will last longer than other components of the car and will no longer be the limiting factor. Let us also point out that an average vehicle travels 20 thousand kilometers per year. senior scientist at CLS Toby Bond in the press release, “We really need these vehicles to last as long as possible, because the longer you use them, the better the improvement in carbon footprint.” he said. Bond said the new batteries are already commercially produced and their use is likely to come in the future. in a few years He says it will increase significantly.
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