The biggest dilemma of fixed internet and mobile line users is to renew the package at the end of the contract…
Especially in the last 2 years, with the level of inflation, the money we spend on communication and the internet has reached very high levels. Those who made a 2-year commitment faced new package prices of over 300 percent. Users who were not warned at the end of the package were suddenly surprised by a bill of 1500 TL for a package worth 150 TL.
We have seen the protests of mobile subscribers and internet users both on social media and on the street, especially regarding prices that are above inflation. Now, the internet has become a trending topic again on social media regarding commitment expirations and non-commitment prices being 3-4 times the package prices.
When users want to renew at the end of their package period, they are asked to connect to the brand again with 1 or 2 year commitments. There is nothing abnormal so far, yes. However, while the prices of new packages have increased 2-3 times, it is seen that the prices without commitment have increased above 1000 TL per month. This makes it almost impossible to use the internet without committing to a brand for at least a year.
If users want to switch to another brand by saying they are not satisfied with the service I received before the end of this commitment, they face serious penalties and payments. This being the case, consumers are seeking rights through social media.
Here are some similar complaints on social media…