Order of watching Matrix movies | HardwareNews

Order of watching Matrix movies | HardwareNews

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Written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers The Matrixwhen it was released on the eve of the new millennium, became such a huge cultural phenomenon that it managed to create an entire franchise even in those years when sequels did not dominate the box office as much as they do today. In the following years, many works that expanded the Matrix mythology were released, from sequels to anime, from video games to comic books. On the other hand, over time, the Wachowskis turned The Matrix into a trilogy. They even shot a sequel to this trilogy years later. Over the past 25 years, The Matrix has now turned into a huge series. So in what order should this series be watched? Here are the alternative viewing orders for The Matrix movies:

The Matrix viewing order (Chronological) ⏳

anime genre that came out four years after The Matrix. The Animatrixis a work that puts many things in context for those who want to know more about the roots of this story. Although some episodes in this anime, which consists of nine short stories, take place chronologically during or after the first movie, the most important episodes take place chronologically before the first movie. Key events such as the rise of the machines and the darkening of the skies are detailed in this film. Therefore, Animatrix can be the starting point for those who want to experience the story of the Matrix chronologically. However, if you do not have a priority to experience the story chronologically, it would be beneficial to watch Animatrix after the first movie. Because many of the stories in Animatrix make more sense when watched after The Matrix.

Here is the chronological viewing order of The Matrix series:

  1. The Animatrix (2003)
  2. The Matrix (1999)
  3. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
  4. The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
  5. The Matrix Resurecctions (2021)

Order of watching The Matrix according to release dates ????

Order of watching Matrix movies

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In 2003, three new Matrix productions were presented to the audience. Although The Matrix is ​​considered a trilogy today, the Wachowskis actually designed Reloaded and Revolutions as a single film. As a matter of fact, this is why Reloaded ends with the words “To be continued” without a narrative conclusion. The story, conceived by the Wachowski Brothers as a single sequel, was released by Warner Bros. It was divided into two and released six months apart. The Animatrix, which was released directly to DVD before widespread distribution in cinemas, was released between these two films.

  1. The Matrix (1999)
  2. The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
  3. The Animatrix (2003)
  4. The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
  5. The Matrix Resurecctions (2021)

Side works directly related to the story of The Matrix

Order of watching Matrix movies

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The Animatrix story wasn’t the only spin-off directly tied to The Matrix. In addition, video games and comics that directly touch on the series were also released. Chief among these is Enter the Matrix The game was coming. Enter the Matrix, which was released in 2003 at the same time as the second film, has a story that runs parallel to the story of The Matrix Reloaded. The Wachowskis even shot approximately an hour of additional footage for this play with the film’s cast.

MMORPG game released in 2005, two years after the third movie. The Matrix Online It was launched as “a continuation of the main story”. It was even said that the Wachowski Brothers also contributed to this story. But this time, the real name that directed the story was comic book writer Paul Chadwick. Chadwick continued the story with the Wachowskis’ permission.

Many Matrix-related comics have been published over the years. The most important of these is “Bits and Pieces of Information“The drawings of this comic book, directly written by the Wachowski Brothers, were made by Geof Darrow, the art designer of the series. Like Animatrix, Bits and Pieces of Information also details this story for those who are curious about how the Matrix world was established and how the machines rose.

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