OpenAI announced the very important “Projects” system: Here are the details

OpenAI announced the very important “Projects” system: Here are the details

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OpenAIto make the user experience more efficient ChatGPTAdded a new feature to: Projects. This feature provides an interface for organizing files and chats, allowing users to manage their work more easily. While this isn’t a revolutionary feature, it will significantly increase ChatGPT’s productivity. Although Projects is similar to Google’s research-oriented application NotebookLM, it stands out with its differences.

ChatGPT Projects introduced

OpenAI introduced the Projects feature on the seventh day of the “12 Days of OpenAI” event. Users can now organize their chats and documents in one place. feature right now ChatGPT Plus, Pro ve Teams is available to its subscribers.

However, this innovation will be available for ChatGPT Enterprise and Edu users in January. Projects can be used from ChatGPT’s website and Windows desktop application. Mobile and macOS app users have to wait a little longer for full access. This feature will come to free users soon, but no timeline has been specified.

Google NotebookLM gained popularity with its research-oriented structure. Users also started to use this platform for functions such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management). However, while NotebookLM has features such as voice summarization, ChatGPT Projects does not have this feature. However, ChatGPT’s powerful features such as Voice Mode, Search and Canvas are available.

How to use ChatGPT Projects?

OpenAI announced the very important “Projects” system: Here are the details

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Creating Projects is quite simple:

  1. Click the “Plus” icon in the side menu of ChatGPT.
  2. Give your project a name and customize its colors.

One of the most striking aspects of the feature is that it offers customizable responses. For example, a project manager might start a project to create a website and instruct ChatGPT to use it as the coding tool on that project. It may even instruct it to choose to open ChatGPT Canvas for coding.

Users can get the most out of the Projects feature by uploading relevant documents to populate the website or by moving existing conversations into the project. Additionally, OpenAI plans to integrate this feature with platforms like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive and support more file types next year.

While OpenAI competes with other AI providers like Anthropic, it continues to introduce innovations that will keep users on its platform. Projects combines with ChatGPT’s Canvas feature, providing the opportunity to produce and edit text or code in the same window. Unlike Google’s NotebookLM application, the Projects feature is fully integrated with ChatGPT’s other functions. This reveals OpenAI’s goal of providing a more comprehensive experience to its users.

AGI surprise

OpenAI announced the very important “Projects” system: Here are the details

In the video below, OpenAI also shows a demo of how the Projects feature works. Interestingly, a surprise titled “AGI (Don’t show on live…)” was also included among the projects seen in the video. As it is known, AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) refers to artificial intelligence that can think, learn and solve complex problems in a wide range like humans. Unlike current narrow AI systems, it is aimed to have a general ability similar to human intelligence in any task or context.
