New record in amateur rocket construction

New record in amateur rocket construction

New record in amateur rocket construction

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Although we mostly talk about giant companies such as SpaceX or Blue Origin when it comes to spacecraft and rockets, in fact, rocket building and launching activities continue on a much smaller, more amateur scale. Especially students at technical universities sometimes achieve remarkable work in this regard. We have seen the most striking example of this in recent years.

The rocket called Aftershock II, developed by a group of engineering students studying at the University of Southern California (USC), broke the record that had not been broken for 20 years in the field of amateur rocketry. He did not stop there and became the new owner of the highest speed record in this field.

Aftershock II Became the Amateur-Made Rocket That Reached the Highest Speed

This student-made rocket, developed at the Rocket Propulsion Lab operating under the University of Southern California, rose 143.3 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, breaking a record that has not been broken since 2004. In 2004, the Civilian Space Exploration Team’s rocket called GoFast reached an altitude of 116 kilometers, breaking a record that seemed difficult to break at the time. As a matter of fact, this record could not be broken for the next 20 years. But students at Rocket Propulsion Lab went 27 kilometers above that record this week.

This amateur-made rocket, named Aftershock II, was also the fastest rocket in its field. When the rocket reached maximum speed, its speed reached 5796 km/h. Taking advantage of Rocket Propulsion Lab’s years-long rocket program, students took the work of the teams that came before them and added a more advanced ignition system, more advanced thermal protection and similar improvements to create Aftershock II, which made this record possible.

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