Mobile version of Delta Force has been delayed

Mobile version of Delta Force has been delayed

Delta Force

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Battlefield 3 ve Battlefield 4 Attracting many FPS players in 2024 with its atmosphere, gameplay and design similar to classic productions such as Delta Force’unIt is expected to achieve a similar performance in 2025. New information came from the mobile version of the game, which was beta tested for PC in the past months.

The mobile version of Delta Force will be released in the summer

Delta Force, which has become a favorite of FPS players in a short time, will be released this month. iOS ve Android It was expected to be released for platforms, but the developer TiMi J3 Studiothe mobile version of the production to the summer of 2025 announced that it was postponed. The studio added that they made such a decision so that players can feel the amazing experience they deserve.

Delta Force, designed especially for players who miss the classic Battlefield experience, was released for PC in recent weeks. Construction will begin next year PS5, Xbox Series, iOS ve Android It will also be published on the platforms. The mobile version of the production will not match with console players, but your level and cosmetic items will be available on all platforms. will be accessible.

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