Hepsiburada held another of its “My Business Partner Meetings” events in Gaziantep to meet with its business partners in the earthquake zone. Following the February 6 earthquakes, Hepsiburada launched the Trade and Technology Power program for the Earthquake Zone, which will last two years, in order to establish permanent prosperity with e-commerce in 11 provinces affected by the disaster. He introduced solutions and opportunities that will enable them to grow in e-commerce.
During the event, a cooperation protocol was also signed between Hepsiburada and Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce. Within the scope of the protocol, the products of women who started production within the scope of the “Empowering Women’s Cooperatives and Women Entrepreneurs in Gaziantep” project implemented by the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) will be brought into e-commerce with Hepsiburada and delivered to all of Turkey. In order to support entrepreneurial women from Gaziantep, Hepsiburada will offer 50 percent commission discount up to 1 million TL, 500 free product photos, 6 months free shipping, gift HepsiAd advertising balance supports and many more advantages within the scope of the Technology Power program for Entrepreneurial Women. Nearly 150 products of nearly 25 entrepreneurial women and women’s cooperatives from Gaziantep will be available at the Gaga Store store opened in Hepsiburada.
Mehmet Tuncay Yıldırım, Chairman of the Board of Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, who made evaluations by emphasizing that GTO’s award-winning project Hepsiburada has brought it to e-commerce with the support of the Technology Power Program for Entrepreneurial Women, said: “As Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, we carry out every project that will enable women to take a stronger place in economic life. We support. The “Women’s Cooperatives and Women Entrepreneurs Support Project”, which we have implemented with this understanding, is not just a project for us; It is also a journey of hope and change. With this project, which we started in 2022 in cooperation with UNHCR, we provided capacity building training, entrepreneurship and business development support to more than 200 women. We developed 15 new products, applied for 7 patents and provided support worth 1 million 100 thousand TL to women’s cooperatives affected by the earthquake. One of the proudest achievements of this project is that we came first in the world in the gender equality category in the 13th World Chambers Competition organized by the World Chambers Federation. One of the most concrete examples of our project successes is GAGA Store. We opened a store within the Gaziantep Gastronomy Academy established by our chamber, which brings together the products produced by our women with the consumers. Today, we are adding a new dimension to this success story of our project. “We are moving GAGA Store to e-commerce with the support of Hepsiburada’s Technology Power Program for Entrepreneurial Women.”
Hepsiburada Commercial Group President Ender Özgün said: “As Hepsiburada, we digitalize trade with the end-to-end solutions we offer, from cargo to payment and maturity solutions, advertising and marketing support. “We focus on providing solutions that provide added value to the economy and society, together with our suppliers, business partners, employees and customers who make up our ecosystem.”