Low internet speed confession from Minister Uraloğlu

Low internet speed confession from Minister Uraloğlu

Low internet speed confession from Minister Uraloğlu

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Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlumade important statements about Turkey’s internet infrastructure and speed in a live broadcast he attended. in Turkey internet speed Minister Uraloğlu, who admitted that it is not at the desired level, said that the responsible person in this field is Turk Telekom He stated that it was.

Responsible Turk Telekom

Minister Uraloğlu is in Turkey on HaberTürk broadcast 600 bin kilometre fiber While stating that there is a line, he stated that part of it goes to the street, part of it goes to the street and part of it goes to the building. Stating that the line for buildings in Turkey is generally copper, Uraloğlu said, “When we look at the average speed of the end user in Turkey, it is very clear that we are not where we want to be. We must be in a better place. We’ve got some more work to do. Kilometers here We need to bring it closer to millions. 600 thousand for now. “When we reach 700-800 thousand, we will solve many problems.”

Uraloğlu, “Why don’t you get it done?He answered the question as follows: “About this The primary responsible and authorized person is Türk Telekom.. The company’s franchise must be renewed in 2026. “It is Türk Telekom’s responsibility to develop and expand the existing fiber infrastructure.”

More investment, less share in the Treasury

On the other hand, Uraloğlu underlined that Türk Telekom’s concession right should be renewed in 2026 and that the new tender will be made with changes: “From the tenders we held before, the question was how much money we would receive from Türk Telekom to the Treasury. Now we are considering imposing an investment requirement rather than receiving money. In general terms, I can say that Türk Telekom did what was predicted. Is it enough? Not enough? In the concession agreement in 2026 more investment, less share in the Treasury we will ask.”

The first signal will be received in 5G in 2026

Turkey’s 4.5G is “faster” than South Korea’s 5G Uraloğlu said, “We used foreign equipment in 4.5G. Let’s move on as far as we can localize 5G equipment at a more affordable price. We will present it to our President and receive his instructions. signal in 2026 “We think we’ll start buying it.” he said.

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