Local artificial intelligence blocked 64 thousand fraudulent sites

Local artificial intelligence blocked 64 thousand fraudulent sites

Local artificial intelligence blocked 64 thousand fraudulent sites

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National Cyber ​​Incident Response Center (USOM)continues its efforts to prevent cyber attacks against Turkey. Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu shared a statement about the attacks prevented by USOM.

Detected by artificial intelligence

Thanks to the artificial intelligence anti-phishing technology developed by USOM Access blocked to 64 thousand 115 domain names was brought. Cyber ​​attackers aim to capture users’ information such as address, identity and credit card by imitating the websites of different brands or by promising free phone gifts. USOM’s artificial intelligence automatically detects fake sites created for this purpose and access is blocked.

The Cyber ​​Incident Response Center (SOME) under the umbrella of USOM has detected malware or cyber attack links in the last week. 424 thousand 156 internet addresses in the last week By blocking a total of 282 million 33 thousand access requests protected the citizen.

17 million IP addresses are being scanned instantly

In 2024, 15 thousand 330 cyber security vulnerabilities were detected in the scans carried out by USOM. Relevant institutions and companies were informed by USOM. USOM, instantly 17 million It detects vulnerability risks by scanning the IP address.

There are 2 thousand 317 SOME teams, 7 thousand 981 expert personnel and 400 USOM experts working within USOM. In addition, national cyber security is ensured with local and national software developed entirely with internal resources, such as “Avcı”, “Azad” and “Kasırga”. Within the scope of the Hurricane project, which carries out vulnerability scanning activities on resources open to the Internet, service and vulnerability scanning of 285 different ports is carried out with 130 weekly scans.

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