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In the past years, when commercial flights began, the design of the aircraft has always been the same. Tube, wings and tail stabilizers. This system is no longer necessary during periods when the aircraft are mechanically flying, providing a major flight determination to the plane. Because thanks to computers, the pilot is moving towards the general administrator position.
American Jet Zero The company is determined to completely change this old design. Used by Anka 3 flying wing similar to technology FLY FLATED Wing is preparing to move to its structure. As you know, flying wing technology is not visible to radara, used in military tasks, special deep impact aircraft in use for a certain time. However, nobody had ever thought of using it for the passenger plane so far.
One of the biggest reasons for this was the inability of small engines to achieve great impulse power. Although military aircraft use special jet engines, commercial flights use giant, efficient, external and easy to maintain.
Now that today’s engines are efficient and small, it is possible to provide great impulse from small engines. In this way, Jet Zero mounted the engines on the tail side of the body. Therefore, the motor connection apparatus has also provided the advantage of weight.
As a result, thanks to the lifting force of the huge wings, it was possible to design a plane where 200-300 people were transported with the motors used in narrow-bodied aircraft.
The biggest fuel savings is provided by throwing the tail completely. Instead of the queue that offers stability and rudder opportunities, the same opportunity was provided as many control fingers on the wing.
But this has made the system completely managed through computer. The pilot no longer controls the aircraft with various hydraulic systems, and replaces the movements from the control control and decides to flap movements after the necessary calculations.
50 percent fuel savings
At the end of all this, fuel savings %50 He reaches a huge rate like. This is a value obtained in the first place. With the development to be made in the coming years, this rate will increase further.
The zero emission target is not absent. However, instead of an electric motor, such as wind and sun renewable energy The main goal is to use renewable fuel produced from resources. The name of this fuel SAF Fuel and is already used, but for now it is very expensive. Another option is clean hydrogen. The company will offer compatible engines for such fuels from the first day.
The company also plans to produce more products in two different branches. One of them should supply fuel to other planes in the air flying tanker. The fuel savings provided by the design provide fuel supply at longer distances to more aircraft. For this reason, after a specialized version of the US Air Force by taking $ 235 million from the US Air Force, Pathfinder project was revealed. According to this project, a 1/8 -dimensional tanker plane will be built in 2027 and this system will be used not only for flight tests but for the pressure cabin tests that will be required for the crew.
The other version cargo transportationHere, it is calculated that it can reach 52 %by increasing fuel savings further.
The date given for the first journey plane 2030 year. However, in order for the system to prove itself, the military flying tanker version must be built and put into service. Then the cargo version is expected to start a regular flight and then switch to the passenger aircraft version. In this way, the release date is extended, but the market integration will be healthier.
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