On brand new phones Installments cannot be made to individual credit cards. No changes have been made in this regard. Consumers can make installments with shopping credit. Previously, 12 installments were made for phones worth up to 12 thousand TL, and 3 installments were made for phones worth more than 12 thousand TL. With the new regulation, the limit of 12 thousand TL increased to 20 thousand TL. Phones worth up to 20 thousand TL can be purchased with a 12-month shopping credit. A limit of 3 installments will be applied to loans of models over 20 thousand TL.
refurbished phone In order to support sales, 12 installments could be made for all refurbished phones with individual credit cards. BRSA has imposed a maturity limit of 12 installments. After this price over 25 thousand TL to refurbished phones maximum 3 installments can be done. 12 installment options will continue for phones worth 25 thousand TL and below.
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