Green light given to new Prison Break series

Green light given to new Prison Break series

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One of the most popular TV series of the 2000s Prison Breakreturns to the screens with its new version after many years. The new Prison Break series, the first news of which we started to receive around this time last year, is one step closer to becoming a reality this week. The platform that developed this new version Huluto the new Prison Break series gave official approval for the pilot episode.

Now the series will go into the casting process and the cast will go on set after the team is determined. If the pilot episode is liked by Hulu, the way will be cleared for the first season approval.

The original series was recently re-added to the Netflix catalog and has instantly become one of the most watched series on the platform. Encouraged by this interest, it is thought that Hulu will do whatever it takes to bring this project to fruition.

Elgin James is Preparing the New Prison Break TV Series

Watch this new Prison Break series not Paul T. Scheuring, creator of the original seriesprepared by Elgin James. This time, Scheuring is participating in the project only as a producer. Elgin James, Creator of the TV series Mayans MC and The Outlaws It is known as.

This new version, prepared under the leadership of Elgin James, will take place in the same universe as the original series but will tell a brand new story. That’s why the two main characters of the original series Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows will not be part of the story this time.

Normally, fans of such series would prefer the original team to return, but the fact that Prison Break is entrusted to a new name this time may be welcomed by fans. Because, in fact, after the original series ended, several sequel projects were shot under the leadership of Scheuring, but none of them met expectations. So it is quite possible that a better job will emerge now under the leadership of Elgin James.

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