Google Maps photo solved murder case

Google Maps photo solved murder case

Google Maps photo solved murder case

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SpainOn an almost deserted street north of Google Maps An image reflected on the (Google Maps) camera helped solve the missing person case. This footage, taken in October in a small village called Tajueco, captured the moment a man loaded a white sack into the trunk of a red vehicle.

This image and other photos taken by the Google Maps tool were used as critical evidence by police. This evidence is in the case of a man who disappeared last year. led to the arrest of two people.

Suspects caught on Google Maps

Google Maps photo solved murder case

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The roots of the event date back to November 2023. A Cuban citizen living in Spain was reported missing by his relative. Allegedly, this person came to the Soria region of Spain to find a woman thought to be his ex-partner. A relative of the missing man notified police after receiving a series of suspicious messages. The messages said that the man had met another woman, was leaving Spain and was going to get rid of his phone.

The investigation opened after the suspicious messages focused on the Cuban man’s ex-partner and another man with whom he was thought to have had a romantic relationship. Last month, police arrested the couple in connection with the disappearance and murder of the Cuban man. Weeks later, a human body thought to be that of the missing person was found in a nearby village cemetery.

Police are in the process of investigating Google MapsHe particularly emphasized the role played by . In a statement, “One of the clues that investigators used to solve the crime were images detected while examining a map application.” It was said. The images enabled the identification of the vehicle used in the commission of the crime. Police said the investigation into the incident was ongoing, but declined to share further details.