Getir announced the most ordered dishes in 2024

Getir announced the most ordered dishes in 2024

Getir announced the most ordered dishes in 2024

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As we enter the last days of 2024, companies continue to announce the best of 2024. This time Canannounced the products most preferred by customers in 2024.

Lahmacun was ordered the most

The number of member restaurants serving on GetirYemek has exceeded 60 thousand. Most ordered meal in 2024 lahmacun happened. Behind chicken doner ve Adana wrap followed. Lentil soup was the most preferred dish among soups, while rice pudding was the most ordered dish among desserts. Rice pudding was followed by waffles and profiteroles.

Getir announced the most ordered dishes in 2024

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The highest amount of food orders of 2024 will be placed by a user at once. 20 thousand 300 TL 490 pieces of sushi were ordered. Another GetirYemek user placed an average of more than 3 orders a day, ordering a total of 1,126 times, and became the user who ordered the most. The time when the most orders were placed was at 18:00 on March 31, 2024, when the local elections took place.

Compared to last year, the dishes with the highest increase in orders were doner kebab, raw meatballs and pizza, respectively. While the neighborhood with the most orders from GetirYemek throughout the year was Çiftlikköy in Mersin’s Yenişehir district, the order-breaking districts were Çankaya from Ankara and Kadıköy and Şişli from Istanbul. In the ranking of the university campuses with the most orders, this year the first place was Karadeniz Technical University from Trabzon, the second was Mersin University, and the third was METU from Ankara.

What are the best-selling grocery products in Getir?

When we look at the popular products in Getir’s market section, chips were at the top of the list at Getir, while water and vegetables were at the top of the list at GetirBüyük. While orders across Türkiye were concentrated between 19.00-21.00, the most ordered categories were water & beverages, snacks and dairy products.

Among Getir’s wide product range, users ordered Çengelköy cucumbers, bananas and lemons, especially in the ‘Fruits-Vegetables’ category, while eggs maintained their first place in ‘Breakfast’ products. Among ‘snack’ products, wafers, crackers and cheese corn snacks took the first three places. In the ‘Meat, Chicken & Fish’ category, smoked turkey, turkey salami, chicken fillet and white meat were the best-selling product groups. While ayran ranked first in the ‘Dairy Products’ category, the most ordered products in the ‘Food’ category were pickled cucumbers, canned corn and noodles. In the pet category, cat litter and cat food continued to be the most ordered products.

Highlights of 2024 at Getir

  • 233 thousand people ordered eggs and sausage for breakfast.
  • The most consumed product was chips, with more than 50 thousand orders in one day.
  • Dairy products were mostly ordered in the morning, water and drinks at lunch and dinner, and snacks at night.
  • While water and beverages were the most ordered product categories throughout the year, snacks came first in the winter.
  • More than 135 thousand ice creams were ordered between July 21-23, the hottest days of the year.
  • A user from Istanbul became the person who bought the most fruit by ordering 636 kg of watermelon in 2024, while a user from Ankara became the winner of the vegetable category with 564 kg of onion.
  • Getir delivered orders for approximately 50 thousand pacifiers and feeding bottles for babies.
  • Getir couriers went to the Moon and back a total of 394 times throughout the year.