Fire extinguishing robot is coming into use in the UK

Fire extinguishing robot is coming into use in the UK

Fire extinguishing robot is coming into use in the UK

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The City Fire Department and Rescue Service in the UK (KFRS) in the United Kingdom, to protect the firefighters equipment fire extinguishing robot added. The robot will operate especially in fires in industrial and commercial areas, which are especially difficult and risky.

What are the robot’s skills?

Robot, which has thermal capabilities in order to detect the center of the fire and the points where it is dense He can record video and communicate with people voice and instruct instructions. In fact, he can get people out of the field with a stretcher. In addition, it can intervene in fires with a hose apparatus that can spray water up to 2,000 liters per minute.

Fire extinguishing robot is coming into use in the UK

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KFRS, the robot will be ready to intervene in events throughout the district within the next few weeks, he said. Firefighters, with remote control Controlled at a distance of up to 600 meters They completed their training on how to use the robot.

Mark, who is the group manager of the Kent Fire Department and Rescue Service, says the following about the importance of the robot: “There are three main reasons for us to put the robot into service, these are to ensure the security of firefighters, to reduce the number of resources in an event and to limit the time we are there. This robot takes our service forward with our ability to ensure the security of firefighters and ensure the best intervention.”