FIFA Rivals officially announced | HardwareNews

FIFA Rivals officially announced | HardwareNews

FIFA Rivals

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Almost for 30 years The existing FIFA-EA agreement came to an end last year when FIFA significantly increased its license fees. It was over. In this regard, the company, which introduced its new game called EA Sports FC, continued to be popular in the gaming world despite losing the famous name. FIFA started to make licensing agreements with other companies. The first production in this direction FIFA Rivals happened.

FIFA Rivals will be released in 2025

The first new agreement of the FIFA Organization, which ended its agreement with EA NFL Rivals, Blankos ve Nitro Nation World Tour Known for his productions such as and his plays block chain deploying based technologies Mythical Games happened. The game developed by Mythical Games is called FIFA Rivals and will be released next summer. iOS ve Android It is stated that it will be published on the platforms.

According to the official announcement, in FIFA Rivals players will have the opportunity to establish and manage their own football club. Players will be able to build and develop their squad, then pit their teams against other players in real-time PvP arcade-style gameplay. production, acting free There will be, but in the game Mythical Games Mythos blocks zincirine support will be provided and players will be able to shop for football stars with real money. FIFA Secretary General Mattias GrafströmHe stated that they were excited to have made such a game by making an agreement with Mythical Games, and that this production is an innovative addition to a growing FIFA game library. Details of the game will be revealed in the coming months.

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