Europe plans to launch advanced Mars rover in 2035

Europe plans to launch advanced Mars rover in 2035

Europe plans to launch advanced Mars rover in 2035

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European Space Agency (ESA), by mid-2030s Mars An advanced system capable of landing on the surface lander accelerated efforts to improve it. In line with this goal, ESA aims to both strengthen its technological infrastructure and increase its exploration and research capacity on Mars.

One of ESA’s current biggest projects is the long-delayed search for life, which was planned to be sent to Mars in 2028.Rosalind Franklin” to deliver the rover to the surface of Mars. However, ESA turned to a more ambitious goal, seeing this project as a starting point.

ESA expands Mars plans

Agency, some time ago “Advanced Entry, Descent, and Landing Capability on Mars” published a call for proposals titled: This call to Mars precision landing able focuses on the development of vehicles and related technologies. ESA aims to advance these capabilities and develop high-precision landing systems, avoiding technological bottlenecks. However, no comprehensive statement has been made about the project details yet.

ESA officials emphasize the importance of taking early steps to develop the necessary technologies, establish timelines and make budget estimates. It is stated that these preparations will play a critical role for the continuation of the project at the ESA ministerial meeting to be held in Bremen, Germany in November 2025.

Europe plans to launch advanced Mars rover in 2035

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Suitable launch windows for launching vehicles to be sent to Mars open every 26 months, in a period of just a few weeks. This window is so narrow because of the positions of Mars and Earth and the technologies we have available. Therefore, ESA plans to use these processes in the most efficient way.

ESA’s long-term Mars program “Explore 2040” There is also a campaign called. The electric-powered carrier called “LightShip”, which will be developed within the scope of this campaign, will both deliver spacecraft carrying passengers to Mars and provide communication and navigation services. In addition, LightShip will have the capacity to carry various scientific payloads.