China is building a new generation navigation system that rivals GPS

China is building a new generation navigation system that rivals GPS

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Chineseby taking a step that could have global impacts new generation Beidou announced a strategic roadmap to develop the positioning and navigation system by 2035. According to its strategic road map, China plans to launch its first test satellites in 2027. new navigation system rival to GPS It is stated that this will happen and that it will have military effects.

Test satellites will be launched in 2027

According to the “Pre-2035 Beidou Satellite Navigation System Development Plan” announced by the China Satellite Navigation System Management Office (CNSO) on November 28, the research and development process of the core technologies of the new generation Beidou system will be completed by 2025. After these studies, Three test satellites in 2027 will be thrown. The launch of the network satellites of the new generation Beidou system in 2029 and the construction of the system Completion by 2035 is targeted.

China already has a 30-satellite Beidou system that provides global positioning, navigation and timing services. This system has 24 satellites in medium Earth orbit, eight in each plane, excluding backups. Additionally, there are three satellites each in inclined geosynchronous orbit and geosynchronous orbit. New generation system, satellites high, medium and low Earth orbits By spreading it, it will expand the coverage area and increase sensitivity.

Decimeter-level precision and versatility

China is building a new generation navigation system that rivals GPS

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New Beidou system, decimeter from meter level (one-tenth of a meter or 10 cm) up to level It will deliver real-time, highly accurate and highly reliable services with varying precision. The system will support user terminals extending from the Earth’s surface to deep space. Beidou aims to provide a more comprehensive infrastructure by integrating with other non-satellite-based navigation and timing technologies.

There will be military and commercial impacts

Beidou competes with the US’s GPS, Europe’s Galileo and Russia’s GLONASS systems. However, Beidou excels in some areas, especially with its features such as two-way communication and regional accuracy. While US GPS modernization efforts face technical glitches and delays, China’s next-generation Beidou system could be a turning point in global positioning technologies.

The new system is expected to provide great advantages not only in civilian applications but also in the military field. Beidou, which can be used in precision guided munitions, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and battlefield navigation systems, will increase China’s defense capacity. On the commercial front, Beidou has the potential to expand China’s economic influence by appealing to more sectors.

The Beidou system is being developed in line with China’s “Space-Ground Integrated Information Network” (SGIIN) project. This project aims to create a unified system that brings together satellite services such as communication, remote sensing, navigation and weather. This integration will further consolidate Beidou’s role in the global satellite infrastructure.