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Earthblade has been canceled
Earthblade, which attracted the attention of players with its promotional trailer in late 2022, promised to offer a fantasy-themed adventure set on a free-roaming and dynamically loading map. However, Thorson disagreements within the team and that the pressure from Celeste’s success brought about the end of the project in December.
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Thorson, “Losing Pedro wasn’t the only reason we canceled the game, but it did make us seriously consider whether fighting to finish Earthblade was the right way to go.” he says. Celeste’s great success has an impact on the team. “a bigger and better game” Stating that it creates pressure to produce, Thorson stated that this pressure makes the creative process tiring. While Thorson emphasized that it was not Pedro’s fault that the game was canceled, to realize that they are lost in the project. He said it made it possible.
Thorson and Berry aim to focus on smaller-scale projects in the future. Stating that they are trying new game ideas that are currently in the prototype stage, Thorson emphasized that they want to rediscover their passion for game development in this process.
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