CATL’s new platform: durability in 120 km/h crash test

CATL’s new platform: durability in 120 km/h crash test

CATL's new platform: durability in 120 km/h crash test

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Chinese battery giant CATLWith its ready-made electric vehicle platforms developed in-house, it enables companies to save both cost and time in the mass production process. However, there is another issue that the company underlines in its newly introduced platform: Security.

CATL named its new electric vehicle platform “panshi”. This word is in Chinese “durable foundation” means. In the statement made by the company, this platform 120 km/s It was stated that it did not show any tendency to burn or explode in the frontal crash test performed at a high speed of 100 kg.

Ni Jun, the company’s head of production, said in his statement on the subject: “Due to the extremely high crash speed and severity, no new energy vehicle has ever dared to undergo a front pillar crash test at 120 km/h.” Front crash test in the widely used China New Car Assessment Program 56 km/s It is done at speed.

The key point of the new chassis is safety, but other points cannot be ignored. For example; The battery used in this platform can be used on a single charge. Driving range up to 1000 kilometers It is stated that it provides In addition, it is among the points underlined that it can reduce the time required for mass production of a new vehicle from 36+ months to 12-18 months.

CATL’s ready-made platforms, called skateboard chassis, not only speed up the mass production process, but also significantly reduce costs. In the statement made in November, it was stated that the cost of billions of dollars required to develop a new electric vehicle could be reduced to 10 million dollars with this platform, so that even a small brand selling 10 thousand vehicles a year could make a profit.

The Chinese company has been working on electric vehicle chassis since 2020, where electric motors, batteries, suspension and other control units are integrated. In this context Vinfast, BLOCK ve Net This new platform of the company, which supplies brands such as Avatar will use the brand.

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