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One of the many types of energy we use in the world is to produce electricity by burning biogas created from agricultural waste. In this way, we manage to produce at least 40% of the amount of electricity that will return to the atmosphere. However, it claims that it will produce electricity 80% more efficiently from this waste. Reverion The initiative additionally captures and stores pure CO2. If desired, this gas can be sold or used to produce methane again or stored indefinitely.
Facility with developed architecture carbon negative becomes easier because it has an integrated CO2 separation system. The unit itself does not emit any gas other than a stream of CO2, which can be liquefied and made portable.
What makes this system stand out is its ability to store excess electricity in the grid. In case of need, it stores energy by converting water vapor and CO2 into H2 and CO with the electricity it draws from the grid, and then converts it into H2 and methane if desired. Biogas power plants are power plants that can be activated at will or operate continuously. For this reason, it can be activated as a base load or for peak loads when the network is congested. In short, although wind and solar are cheap, it is possible to use them as a background energy source in cases where these energy sources are not available.
produced hydrogen It can be used again to produce electricity when desired. By producing hydrogen with the electricity here, the return efficiency in producing electricity with hydrogen is a good figure of 75%. Moreover, thanks to the increasingly negative electricity prices in Europe, where renewable energy is abundant, the system can also make money by charging.
The best thing about recyclable biogas power plants is that they can store the gas they consume or produce in huge places. Thanks to giant tanks, if desired, seasonal energy storage or storing can be done for a few months.
The company, which raised 62 million Euros for mass production in its last investment round, plans to launch 100 power plants within two years. The amount of pre-orders they have already collected has reached 100 million Euros.
How much does it cost?
The entire system was designed to fit into a container. Total 100 kW The system with a power of 500 kW has dimensions that can fit into a half container, while the system with a power of 500 kW has dimensions that can fit into a full container. Since the container is designed to be plug-and-play, all you need to do is pull a biogas connection and an electric cable. The prices of these systems are as follows for 100 kW: 600 am eurosfor 500 kW 3 million euros.
will serve for 20 years
Although the system is designed to operate for 20 years, some parts, such as the solid oxide fuel cell, need to be replaced every 5 years, but as technology advances, the lifespan may be extended until you replace it.
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