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While the low maintenance costs and non-pollution of electric vehicles make them a good choice for the mine site, the charging times of giant batteries have been an obstacle until now. The solution is the technology that has recently gained success in passenger cars. automatic battery change stations happened.
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Full battery will be installed in 7 minutes
100 of the 500 trucks used by the mining company are in the medium and small heavy load class with a capacity of 100-200 tons. The carrying capacity of the new type of electric truck in this class will be 91 tons. The 800 kWh battery of the truck can be replaced with a full battery in as little as 7 minutes.
There will be 8 trucks and 13 batteries in total, while the batteries replaced in this way will be charged without burdening the grid, the truck will continue to work non-stop for 8 hours until the shift change. This entire operation will be financed by the Chinese State Power Investment company. If trucks Tonly It will be produced by. DTE145 The first tests of the first model named started in 2024. The remaining 7 trucks will be delivered around mid-2025.
If all goes well, it will be a significant development step for the electric battery replacement program for trucks weighing over 200 tonnes and up to 320 tonnes at the Pilbara mining sites in Western Australia. The project, which started with state support in this way, will be a new export gateway for China.
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