TV Tavsiyesi için en iyi televizyon modelleri (Kasım 2024)

TV Tavsiyesi için en iyi televizyon modelleri (Kasım 2024)

Tam Boyutta Gör Televizyon veya akıllı televizyonlar, günümüz ev elektroniğinin vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline geldi. Dolayısıyla televizyon satın alma süreci de kullanıcıları gerçekten çok zorlayan bir süreç. Peki ama yüzlerce televizyon marka ve modeli arasından hangisini seçmelisiniz? veya en iyi akıllı televizyon modelleri neler? Bu televizyon tavsiye & tv tavsiye yazımızda, bütün sorulara … Read more

Geo-Blocking warning from EU to Apple: New regulations are on the way

Geo-Blocking warning from EU to Apple: New regulations are on the way

The European Commission said it had identified potentially prohibited geo-blocking practices in some Apple Media Services and could be sanctioned by national regulators if Apple does not address these concerns. European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said in her statement: “We are accelerating the fight against geo-blocking. No company, large or small, should unfairly discriminate against customers … Read more

Confirmation came from the company! Amazon employee data was stolen…

Confirmation came from the company! Amazon employee data was stolen…

Amazon has confirmed that employee data was compromised after a “security issue” at a third-party seller. The company confirmed that a hacker stole the data of the company’s employees by exploiting a vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer platform, a software used to provide secure file transfer between large organizations. This cyberattack is linked to the … Read more

Investment tour for Turkey’s smart camera

Investment tour for Turkey’s smart camera

Continuing to grow rapidly in both the domestic and global markets with the business relationships it has established with companies such as Togg, Ford Otosan, Tofaş and Hidromek, Yürütech aims to take important steps to strengthen its sector leadership by increasing the international competitiveness of the company with its new investment round. The company, which … Read more