Astronauts’ cognitive abilities are atrophying | HardwareNews

Astronauts’ cognitive abilities are atrophying | HardwareNews

Astronauts' cognitive abilities are atrophying

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Many researches have been carried out on organic substances, both organic and inorganic, on the International Space Station (ISS), which became operational in 2000. Thus, it was learned how different materials react to space conditions. But perhaps the important research was the one done directly on astronauts. Scientists examined in detail the astronauts who spent long periods on the ISS, thus getting the chance to learn about the effects of space conditions on the human body.

Scientists, who continue these researches without slowing down, have recently revealed a remarkable fact. Astronauts who go to space cannot use their brains as well as they do on Earth while they are there. Because tests show that astronauts’ cognitive abilities atrophy while in space.

Astronauts’ Brains in Space Work Slower

The results of the study, conducted by researchers at NASA’s Behavioral Health and Performance Laboratory, were recently published in the journal Frontiers. This study, conducted on astronauts who spent six months on the ISS, says that there is no decrease in the cognitive abilities of astronauts who return to Earth after spending time in space, but when it comes to their cognitive performance in space, a different picture emerges. Because these astronauts cannot be as successful in cognitive tests while in space as they are on Earth.

In the tests carried out on the ISS, it was determined that the astronauts’ information processing speed decreased, their visual memory and attention span decreased, and their tendency to take risks increased. Fortunately, all of these return to their previous levels when we return to Earth. This shows that the change in the brain is temporary. Still, new tests will continue to be performed to understand why this change occurred.

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